For patients
For an appointment with one of our musculoskeletal medicine specialists, a referral from your treating health professional is required.
Our clinic locations can be found at the bottom of this page.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are your fees?
Fees vary depending on the nature of the problem, and treatment required. We will advise you of fees for your particular condition prior to your consultation and treatment.
Please be aware that payment is required at the time of consultation.
I have private health insurance. Will that cover the cost of treatment with you?
We are an affiliated provider to Southern Cross. This means that depending on your policy, often no payment is required, and consultations and most procedures are fully funded by Southern Cross. We can bill Southern Cross directly.
If you have Health Insurance with another company, the amount of the consultation or procedure that is covered will depend on the policy you hold, and prior approval may be required. You may have to pay at the time of your consultation and treatment and claim this back from your insurance company. Check your policy details to find out. We’re happy to help.
Will ACC pay for my treatment?
ACC will cover the cost of your initial consultation if you have made a claim with ACC for your condition that has been accepted.
ACC also automatically covers the cost of some, but not all treatments. Some treatments require an application for funding to be completed by your specialist. We’ll keep you fully informed along the way.
It is important to know that if ACC declines to pay for your consultations and treatment, you will be liable for these costs.
Why do I have to wait so long to see you?
We realise that there is an unavoidable wait for appointments. There are several reasons for this, but one of the most important is that pain can't be assessed in a 15, or even 30 minute appointment. We spend up to an hour, sometimes longer, with new patients in order to conduct a thorough, detailed assessment, and put a comprehensive management plan in place. Because of this, only a limited number of patients can be seen in a day.
What can you do if you feel unable to wait? If your problem is medically urgent, you should contact your referring Health Professional, who can then discuss your case with us.
Alternatively, you could seek referral to a different specialist with a shorter wait time. If you do this, please be sure to let us know so that we can cancel your appointment.
Do I need a referral to see you?
In order for us to perform a comprehensive assessment and put together a comprehensive treatment plan, we need to know everything we can about you. That is why we require a referral letter prior to seeing you.
Your referrer needs to provide a detailed referral letter, outlining the history of your condition, treatment provided to date, along with full details of your past medical history and current medication. As you can imagine, all of this may influence your assessment and treatment.
Another reason we require a referral letter is that ACC and some private health insurers require it before they will fund your consultation.
The more we know about you, the more we can help.
What can I expect when I see you?
Your first consultation is important. It’s our chance to get to know you, fully understand your condition and how it affects you, and put together a management plan best suited to your situation.
We’ll take a comprehensive history and perform a physical examination. Your appointment may include a diagnostic ultrasound examination as well. Depending on the nature of the problem, we may arrange further investigations (such as MRI).
Treatments depend on the nature of the problem, and range from simple advice and medication, to a range of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, such as injections and radiofrequency treatment. You can read more about these treatments here.
If your condition is covered by ACC, your consultations are usually funded by ACC. If further procedures are required, these are often funded as well, although not always. You will be fully advised before proceeding.
We are an affiliated provider to Southern Cross. This means that depending on your policy, often no payment is required, and consultation and most procedures are fully funded by Southern Cross. We can bill Southern Cross directly.
If you have Health Insurance with another company, the amount of the consultation or procedure that is covered will depend on the policy you hold, and prior approval may be required. You may have to pay at the time of your consultation and treatment and claim this back from your insurance company. Check your policy details to find out. We’re happy to help.
If you are self funding your consultation and treatment, let us know. We’ll advise you of the cost beforehand. Please be aware that payment is required at the time of consultation.
Feel free to bring a support person. A female chaperone is available if required as well.
What is a Musculoskeletal Medicine Specialist?
Musculoskeletal Medicine Physicians are doctors who meet strict criteria to be registered as specialists with the Medical Council of New Zealand, and who hold the qualification FNZCMM (Fellow of the New Zealand College of Musculoskeletal Medicine).
We are specialists in the diagnosis and management of conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves).
Examples of conditions we treat include:
- Injuries affecting the musculoskeletal system – sporting, work and non-work related
- Upper and Lower limb pain
- Neck, back, hip and pelvic pain, including sciatica
- Chronic headaches arising from the neck, including whiplash
- Chronic pain that has been difficult to diagnose and treat in the past