Morton’s Neuroma

Radiofrequency treatment for Morton's Neuroma

Download our patient information sheet here.

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Morton’s Neuroma is a thickening and scarring involving a nerve in the forefoot. It typically causes pain on the balls of the feet, and often shooting pain in the toes. It may feel as though you are walking with a pebble in your sock.

We are proud to be one of the few clinics in New Zealand offering a relatively new, minimally invasive, long term treatment for Morton’s Neuromas – Thermal Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA).

  • The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic using ultrasound guidance, and takes around an hour
  • Recovery is rapid – we recommend minimal weightbearing for the rest of the day, with gradually increasing weightbearing over the next few days
  • It’s safe – the risk of complications is small
  • Results in long term pain relief

As long as certain clinical criteria are met (for example, you must have had a scan confirming the diagnosis), you can be referred directly for the procedure by your treating health professional, without the need for a consultation prior.

STEP 1: Your treating Health Professional (for example Doctor, Podiatrist, Physio) refers you to us. You must have had imaging to confirm the diagnosis (typically an ultrasound)

STEP 2: Dr Bell will contact you by phone to discuss the procedure and answer any questions you might have

STEP 3: Your procedure is scheduled, and takes around an hour

Why not come to Christchurch for treatment?  We treat patients from across New Zealand.